Recent weeks have been filled with extra meetings and activities and preciously little time to write. The busy season is upon us and it's harder to manage life's demands and the time available.
Perhaps you're like me, and wish you could hold a stopwatch and just go "click." With that "click," I fantasize about having the power to stop all activity around me and allow myself the breathing room to accomplish whatever I like until I'm ready to step back into the vortex of life and of moving time. What a luxury that would be!
Psychologists say it helps to tackle projects in small pieces and to focus on positive thoughts. A positive attitude can make daily challenges, well, seem better, and also yield better results. This mindset is something that does not come naturally to me.
As I face another week, I'll lean on this quote from singer Willie Nelson:
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."
I know it makes sense...I just have to stir up some willpower to focus on the sunny side of life.
One more for inspiration:
"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
Okay! I'm ready to sing in the rain.
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