Statistics Canada found that women tend to make multiple stops on their way from Point A to Point B, while men tend to make simpler trips. Researchers call the practice of making intermediate stops "trip chaining."
The study says women drop children off to school, stop for coffee and go shopping with the family car more often than men. Meanwhile, men drive to single destinations more frequently: about 45 per cent of their trips are of this type, while only 39 per cent of women's trips are in this category.
This data seems to echo other studies about multi-tasking activities by the sexes. Does this mean men don't handle complex tasks as readily? Could be a bit of a leap.
But here's where the Statistics Canada research really hurts us guys: it shows that when men do stop along the way, they are more likely to do so at a restaurant, entertainment venue or recreational facility. This accounts for 62 per cent of these intermediate trips.
A higher percentage of women drive to banks and shopping centres after leaving work.
Some men wonder whether all that running around is really necessary, but that's another story. Lots to talk about on the home front.
The study was published in a quarterly bulletin on environmental and sustainable development statistics.
To read more, see Statistics Canada's "Daily" page
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Photo of the wooden puppets is by Cecile Graat, who made it available on stock.xchng
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