Meanwhile, the story of the American boxing team keeps getting stranger. After spending a year in residency at a training camp in Colorado, the team is self-destructing. First one of the star boxers collapsed in Beijing trying to slim down, missed his weigh-in and so could not compete. This is something that should never happen in an elite competition. Observers are questioning his coaching. Then today, one of America's best hopes for a boxing gold medal, Rau'shee Warren , seems to have experienced a moment of ringside miscommunication: thinking he was leading in points, he lost a qualifying match when he danced around waiting for the end of the round instead of attacking his Korean opponent.
On the lighter side, the best photographic moments for me, so far, have been the expressions of American President George Bush as he enjoyed a few days with the athletes. We've seen the photos of Bush cavorting with the U.S. beach volleyball players, but this collection is too funny to describe. Enjoy.
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