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Frank Lloyd Wright tour in Oak Park, Illinois
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Quotes for life's highways
I pulled out some concepts to meditate on during those long highway stretches.
(There's no connection to the themes of our conversations, by the way.)
"We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them."
- Livy
"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
- Eric Hoffer
"Where fear is present, wisdom cannot be."
- Lactantius
Lactantius sounds a lot like Yoda, doesn't he? Well, chronologically I guess it would be the other way around...but you can see the similarity :)
The quotes were from my friends at 602 Communications.
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Amazing dinosaurs tracks
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How to foster creativity
If you feel like you're in a rut and can't "think out of the box," then go some place you've never been before.
New evidence suggests that creativity flourishes most when we place ourselves in situations we've never experienced. New faces, new places, new thinking.
Why is this? Researchers say the brain's natural tendency is to be somewhat lazy. The mind prefers to take shortcuts and rely on established images and ways of seeing things. To jolt the brain into creative mode, it apparently helps to jump into something you have absolutely no experience with. Take away the "safety net," break your historical mental connections and see what happens.
In an article entitled "Neuroscience Sheds New Light on Creativity," FastCompany.com reveals that when it comes to seeing things differently, Mark Twain may have been right when he said, "Education consists mainly in what I have unlearned." When the brain confronts different situations, it reorganizes perception. It pays more attention to all of the senses. It lives in the moment. The more radical the experience, the greater the chances of acquiring new perception.
If scientists are right, then what a wonderful supporting argument this makes for the benefits of travel and for changing the scenery once in a while.
Just remember to bring a pen and paper with you. You may find solutions to your problems when you least expect them -- on the top of a pyramid, learning to ski or on a hike in the woods.
Willlam James:
"Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way."
Albert Einstein:
"You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."
....and my favourite....
Buckminster Fuller:
Yes, indeed.
Other links:
Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity
The Astounding Power of the Brain
Take a 5-minute test to compare your Right Brain vs Left Brain Creativity (from the Art Institute of Vancouver).
Photo credit: Thanks to Robert Russell for his shot of a Florida sunrise.
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Scenes of the season
The end of the month signals the beginning of fall foliage displays in the country. Life always seems to move at a different pace in the wide-open spaces of rural central Ontario. When the forecast signals good weather for the weekend, this is the best time of the year for a drive in the country. Animals seem to welcome urban visitors. A few more weeks and apple picking will be at its peak and, before we know it, it will be time to celebrate Halloween.
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Walking, anyone?
1. Walking can add minutes to your life. This enables you at 85 years of age to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $7,000 per month.
2. My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60. Now he's 97 years old and we don't know where the hell he is.
3. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
4. The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
5. I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures outwhat I'm doing.
6. I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.
7. Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
Car Free Day
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Weekend travel: Silver Springs and the photography of Bruce Mozert
Silver Springs is one of America's natural wonders thanks to one of the largest artesian spring formations in the world. It produces more than 500 million gallons of crystal-clear water every day.
Since the mid 1800s, people have visited the natural beauty of this area. In the the 1920s a theme park was built near the head waters of the spring. Today the Silver Spring Nature Theme Park features animal exhibits and tours of the water world in glass-bottomed boats.
When Disney World was built, it drew many out-of-state visitors away, but Silver Springs remains famous for amazing photographs of the water. Credit for this goes to an unusual and talented photographer. Bruce Mozert arrived in 1938 and produced some unique photographic artwork.
The story goes that Mozert was passing through central Florida that year and decided to stop in Silver Springs to see swimmer-turned-actor Johnny Weissmuller filming one of the early Tarzan movies there. Mozert liked the place so much he decided to stay.
He went on to develop some of the first underwater cameras and began shooting photographs of models underwater posing for promotional campaigns. The photographs are really interesting and stand out for their clarity. They give you a good idea just how clean the water is in these parts.
You must take a look: some samples are available in this slide show at Smithsonian.com.
Mozert still lives in nearby Ocala and, now in his 90s, continues to work in a photographic studio.
Brief history of Silver Springs, from Wikipedia.
The Life Aquatic with Bruce Mozert, in Smithsonian.com (full article).
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Functional public art and a troubled experiment
First, are you in a New York state of mind? You may recall we wrote recently about the unique bike racks designed by artist David Byrne in Manhattan. The idea was to give everyday public objects a different look. Byrne's designs are directly related to the neighbourhood in which they're located.
Now an avenue in Queens is experimenting with designer subway grates (link below). These are special grates because they have a dual role: they are aesthetically pleasing, but are also barriers against flooding. They allow air circulation, but are raised to prevent water from flowing into them. Prevent water? Yes, this is required because the subway system screeches to a halt when drains cannot handle excessive rainfall and the water seeps into the tunnels. Hillside Avenue in Queens seems to be the most vulnerable spot and so became the focus of the design project.
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Tommy John surgery
While I've heard it mentioned before, I wondered about it a little more today -- just what exactly is "Tommy John" surgery? (For those of you who are avid baseball fans, you may wish to skip this item.)
Marcum was devastated to learn he will be out of commission for about 18 months as a result of his injury. He's torn a key ligament in his elbow, something that occurs unfortunately with some regularity to baseball pitchers. In years gone by, a tear to the ulnar collateral ligament would have ended a player's career. Now, pitchers like Marcum have a chance to return to action through the Tommy John.
Named after the first athlete to undergo the surgery in 1974 (John was a pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers), the procedure involves the replacement of the damaged ligament with a tendon from elsewhere in the body (most often from the forearm, hamstring, knee or foot). In this regard, it's not unlike the surgery used to repair that other dreaded season-ending athletic injury: a knee ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear.
While recovery is long, pitchers who are diligent with their physiotherapy often return to throw again in the big leagues, and even come back with more power in their throwing arm.
For an illustrated slide show on how Tommy John surgery works, see this. (It's a Flash presentation; click on the arrows after each page loads.)
More info:
MLB: "Marcum needs Tommy John surgery."
Official site of Tommy John: his biography page
The photo of a game at sunset is courtesy of Joshua Davis, via the stock.xchng. His blog is here.
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Surrounded by data, will we embrace virtual reality computing?
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A plane for the tired plane spotter
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Cartoon notes
Nice to write from home again.
Image courtesy of PHOTOCROMO
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Landmark series on the Taliban wins prestigious award
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An odd prediction: global cooling
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100 or bust

Here's an example: this is a photo of my own grandmother at 102. This was last year, as she posed outside her home in Italy. This year she had an accident. She broke her hip in a fall, and... recovered, a very unusual thing at any age over 80. By all accounts, she enjoyed her summer, even though her mobility is somewhat restricted.
In Japan, the number of people who have reached the age of 100 has reached record levels this year. The British Broadcasting Corporation reports that there are now 36,276 centenarians in the country, an increase of 4,000 over last year.
Most are women, according to the Health and Welfare Ministry. Many of the oldest people in the country live in the south of the country or on the island of Okinawa. No one knows for sure why the Japanese are living longer, but some of the contributing factors may be healthy diets, an active community lifestyle and good health care.
Another important aspect of longevity is related to brain function, apparently. Some of the oldest people in the world keep their minds vibrant by maintaining a regular routine of mental stimulation. Scientists say that doing puzzles or having a hobby that encourages concentration may be helpful in old age.
I think I'd better get started on some of those exercises.
The story of the astounding Japanese statistics is in the BBC web site here.
Want to learn more about brain fitness? See this.
Related story in Zanepost:
"Unlocking the mystery behind long lifespans in three special places."
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Sicilian mayor makes an offer that's hard to refuse: a home for next to nothing...and just a small catch.
Creative, flamboyant, former Italian culture minister and now mayor Vittorio Sgarbi is offering homes in the Sicilian hilltop town of Salemi for that price.
Why? He's come up with a scheme to rejuvenate the town, which was damaged during an earthquake in 1968. Since then, many homes have remained unoccupied and abandoned. Sgarbi proposes to give you a villa for one Euro, provided you renovate it and return it to reasonable condition and employ local people to do it.
It's a creative approach that is attracting much attention abroad. Sgarbi is an eccentric figure who has been a wild politician at the national level and popular art critic on Italian TV. He has an uncanny ability to flip easily from highbrow activities to very argumentative public debating and all types of baser pursuits.
You can read all about it in National Geographic's Intelligent Traveler, and in other publications. Just follow the links.
A Sgarbi primer is here.
The photograph in the corner is the picturesque town of Taormina in Sicily. It's a beautiful place on the coast. It's courtesy of Rinske Bok who made it available on the stock.xchng.
Related stories in Zanepost:
Islands in the Sun
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Here's how scientists are preparing that super high-speed collision to unlock the secrets of the universe
On September 10th, scientists succeeded in sending hydrogen protons, the positively charged nuclei of hydrogen atoms, all the way around the outer ring. They proved the complex machine works as designed.
These experiments could keep us with baited breath and hold us enthralled.
The first high-speed particle collisions will be recorded in a few months. Stay tuned.
For more on the news of the successful first test, see these links:
Related in Zanepost:
The photo, top left, is of the CERN particle collider.
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Skimming waves near the heart of the city

Porter flies to Montreal, Ottawa, Newark and Halifax, primarily for the convenience of business travelers who work in the downtown area. Local residents don't like it much, saying the daily turboprop flights create congestion in the area and are too noisy. When Porter was first licenced, residents also feared that private jet traffic would soon follow in and out of the downtown airport. So far, that hasn't happened.
Star Trek anniversary
The brainchild of Gene Roddenberry, the series captured the imagination with its introductory premise:
"Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
The cast, starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley and James Doohan, to name just a few, would all become famous, but mainly when the series was already out of production and into repeats.
The original series only had a three-year, 80-episode run.
Still, it was enough to usher in a new era in television science fiction. Altogether, "Star Trek" spawned another four related series and more than six full theatrical releases.
The successful follow-up series were:
"Next Generation," 178 episodes
"Deep Space Nine," 176 episodes
"Voyageur," 172 episopdes
and "Enterprise," 98 episodes.
...It all began on this day in 1966.
Scottish oddities
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Make your daydreams useful
What I’m going to say does not replace an apology, but this tendency of the mind to wander is something that is actually quite useful. It’s an important tool for creativity. (One must be careful to not abuse the practice.)
Scientists these days are studying how daydreaming may be the “default mechanism” for the mind.
Jonah Lehrer, an editor-at-large for Seed magazine, a science and culture publication, has looked at recent research into daydreaming. Lehrer explores how the mind starts to focus inward when it decides not to respond to the outside world. This tends to happen, as you know, when we are engaged in very routine things, like driving along an empty freeway or painting a wall. Lehrer points out that “instead of responding to the outside world, the brain starts to contemplate its internal landscape. This is when new and creative connections are made between seemingly unrelated ideas.”
This is something we’ve all experienced, but how often do we turn it into something useful? As an example, he tells the story of how Arthur Fry, sitting in a church, came to invent Post-it notes. And we’ve all heard about the great creative minds of history (Shakespeare, DaVinci, Edison, Einstein, etc.) doing similar things.
Research indicates that letting the mind wander aimlessly is not enough to foster creativity. The key seems to be – ironically – to find a way to pay attention to the dreams and perceive the moment when a daydream can be useful.
To learn more, read Lehrer’s article “Daydream Achiever”, published in the Boston Globe.
Also, for some practical creativity tools, see this.
Now back to those dishes in the sink….
Photo courtesy of Ove Tøpfer.
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Pisa no longer leans the most, Dutch say
The Italian tower was leaning further until a few years ago. But beginning in the 1990s Italian engineers intervened to shore it up, fearing Pisa's growing tilt would lead to the tower's collapse. As they strengthened the foundations, the workers pulled it a few centimetres back towards the vertical position.
You can see the Bedum tower in a video and text report on the U.K.'s Telegraph website here. (The media player needs a few seconds to load.)
For more on Pisa's tower, see "Still standing" in Zanepost from December .
Photo courtesy: Cristian Popescu
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Cities in blogs
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Weekend Travel: "Via Ferrata" in the Dolomites
In Europe, for example, people often explore former battle sites from the First and Second World Wars.
One destination that is not talked about often is the summit zone of the Dolomite Mountains on the border between Italy and Austria, the scene of fierce fighting during the First World War. Writer Ernest Hemingway was wounded in this area while serving as an ambulance driver during that period. Erwin Rommel, who later rose to the rank of field marshal with the German army in WWII, was a decorated infantryman in these mountains during the first world conflict.
The Italian army and the Austrian army both built supply lines to the troops holding positions high in the peaks. They created fixed climbing routes with iron cables and ropes to lift gear up the mountains. These routes became known as the "Via Ferrata" or "Iron Way." Today, climbers can use these cables to explore the summits and visit the high-altitude battle sites and fortifications.
Smithsonian Magazine offers an up-close look that will appeal to history buffs. Writer Matt Mossman explored the tunnels and peaks in the mountains above Cortina D'Ampezzo to see what it was like. Joe Wilcox also offers a photographic slide show.
Photo of the Dolomites (above) is courtesy of Klaus Sandrini. Many thanks.
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